Students who have a declared College of Business major and have earned at least 24 hours are advised in the College of Business Advisement Center. General and first year students who wish to declare a business major are advised in University College Academic Advisement or through the Honors Program until they are admitted into the College of Business.

College of Business Academic Advisement is an essential part of the educational process. Our academic Advisors are professionals who provide resources, guidance, and support to undergraduate students.
As part of the advising experience students will explore, define, and develop an educational plan of action to achieve their academic goals.
Advising questions
When should I schedule an appointment?
Avoid the waiting in line and make an appointment prior to Advanced Registration opening. Advisors are available for long term planning appointments all semester.
How can I cancel an appointment?
Please call us at least 24 hours ahead of your appointment to cancel or you can cancel your appointment online.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Please click on the link for your academic advisor below, to review their availability and schedule an appointment. You will have the option to meet with your advisor in person or via Zoom.
Academic Advisors
The College of Business Academic Advisors focus on creating an environment that promotes student responsibility and successful development of future professionals by:
- Promoting development and responsibility through active student participation in academic planning.
- Developing individualized academic plans based on the needs and goals of each student.
- Assisting in the interpretation of university policy, and curricular requirements.
- Collaborating in the selection of appropriate courses needed to progress toward graduation.
- Encouraging student participation in out-of-the-classroom experiences (internships, externships, study abroad, student organizations and leadership activities) to promote personal development and life-long learning.
- Referring students to appropriate campus resources.