Illinois State BSIB in Panama
The Illinois State University Bachelor of Science in International Business (BSIB), with a concentration in Marketing, will be offered onsite in Panama through a partnership with Quality Leadership University (QLU), located in Panama City, Panama. The BSIB program is developed to deepen your knowledge of people and cultures, strengthen your communication skills, and master the fundamentals of core business disciplines as well as provide theory and application in both international business and marketing.

Students enrolled in this unique program will have courses delivered at Quality Leadership University (QLU) in Panama City, Panama by faculty members from QLU, the University of Louisville (U of L), and the College of Business at Illinois State University. Your degree will be awarded by Illinois State University.

The College of Business at Illinois State in accredited by the Association to Advance of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The International Business program at Illinois State University is accredited by CUIBE, the Consortium of Undergraduate International Business Education. This is the most prestigious international business consortium in the United States and helps our program stay abreast of the latest trends in international business education by providing direct connections among many of the top ranked programs.

Advising resources are available to help students in the Panama Program to stay on track for graduation, both at Quality Leadership University and Illinois State University. A College of Business | Illinois State University Academic Advisor for International Business will pre-check transcripts to determine if alternative prerequisite courses will be approved for admittance, as well as provide you with your progress toward graduation once you begin Illinois State University taught courses. The contact for advising issues, clarify policies, and credit granted at Quality Leadership University is Katisha Ramos.

If you have already been admitted to Illinois State University for the BSIB, but decide to physically transfer to Illinois State University for another major or another functional area besides marketing within the International Business Program, you do NOT need to reapply, but will need to obtain a VISA, vaccinations, and other transfer protocol before attending courses on Illinois State University’s campus.
Admission Requirements
- Complete, sign, and submit the ISU application
- Submit official transcripts from U of L reflecting a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Submit official transcripts from QLU reflecting a minimum GPA of 2.5
- Students with 45-59 hours earned must complete the following courses with a grade of C or better:
- Financial accounting (ACC 131)
- Economics—micro and macro (ECO 105)
- College algebra (MATH 119) and Finite math (MATH 120) or
- Applied calculus (MAT 121) or calculus I (MATH 145)
- Students with 60 or more hours earned must complete those courses listed above, choosing the applied calculus (MAT 121) or calculus I (MAT 145) option, and complete the following additional courses with a grade of C or better:
- Managerial accounting (ACC 132) and
- Statistical reasoning (MQM 100)
- To be admitted without the requirement for a TEOFL, students must have successfully completed 2 full semesters (at least 10 courses) of college level courses in English before admission with a C or better at the time of admission.
- Students from University of Louisville (U of L) who do not meet the minimum current admission requirements at Illinois State Univeristy (ISU) cannot be admitted into the College of Business | Illinois State University (ISU). Admission is not deemed complete for purposes of minimum enrollment unless all application materials are on file with the Illinois State University Admissions Office. Illinois State University reserves the right to change admission requirements and students will be required to meet all applicable admission requirements at the time the application is submitted.
- The application fee of $50 will be waived by Illinois State University.
Degree Requirements
Quality Leadership University (QLU) students must complete 53 credits from University of Louisville (U of L) and 30 credits from Quality Leadership University (QLU). Courses offered from the University of Louisville emphasize Freshman/Sophomore level and General Education courses and Quality Leadership University emphasize in Introduction to Business courses.
In addition, students in the BSIB Program will complete 37 hours from courses focusing on International Business taught by Illinois State University faculty members. The courses are:
Institution of Faculty Memenber
MQM 200 - Professional and Career Development
1 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
MKT 232 - Marketing Research
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
INB 225 - Understanding the Global Business Environment
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
FIL 240 - Business Finance
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
MQM 349 - Business in a Multicultural Environment
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
MKT 231 - Consumer Behavior
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
ACC 270 - Information Systems in Organizations
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
MKT 234 - Professional Relationship Selling
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
INB 398 - International Internship
Illinois State University
MQM 350 - International Management
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
FIL 312 - International Law
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
MKT 350 - International Marketing
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
BUS 285 - (ETS Exam) (Prerequisite for MQM 385)
0 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
MQM 385 - Organizational Strategy
3 Credits/Hour
Illinois State University
Student Resources
The College also provide students with resources to ensure academic success: