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Get Involved

Get Involved

Get involved by contactng the Innovation Consulting Community (ICC) at Please be advised – you need to be an ISU student in the Fall and Spring semester to participate.

Additionally, if you are taking a full course load at Illinois State Unversity and working more than 10 hours per week in the spring term we do not recommend ICC participation. Fall semester time commitment is approximately 15hours (total; not per week) and Spring semester time commitment is ~5 hours/week until mid-April.

The ICC is extracurricular and does not provide academic program credits of any types (e.g., Independent Study, Internship, Honors credit, etc.).

Please state if you have any skills in creative software such as Adobe products or others that can assist in showing sample (draft) collateral material – ad, brochure, web-page, video, etc.

Additionally, please submit the following form and we will contact you.