Dr. A Choudhury
Department of Management

SFHB State Farm Hall Of Business 218
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
427.001Operations And Quality Management
427.002Operations And Quality Management
335.001Operations Analytics - Quality Management
335.002Operations Analytics - Quality Management
335.003Operations Analytics - Quality Management
227.001Operations Management
Teaching Interests & Areas
Quantitative Methods
PhD Business Administration
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Best Research Paper Award
Journal of Insurance Issues
Conference Proceeding
Choudhury, A. The Resiliency of the Real Estate Market Faced by External Shock. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute 55 (2024): 1273.
Choudhury, A., Hartman, N., & Coussens, T. Predicting Technology Replacement Timing. Annual Meeting of the National Decisions Sciences Institute 54 (2023): 952-954.
Choudhury, A. Factors Correlated with Time on the Market in Real Estate Marketplace. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute 53 (2022): 489-490.
Choudhury, A., Hartman, N., & Coussens, T. Identify Short-Term Trend in Support Services' Demand for Technology. Decision Sciences Institute National Conference (2019)
Choudhury, A., Hartman, N., & Coussens, T. Identify Technology Changeover Timing Using Phone Support Services. Decision Sciences Institute National Conference 49 (2018): 724-726.
Journal Article
Choudhury, A. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on TOM in the housing market. International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (2024)
Li, M., Choudhury, A., & Zhang, N. Understanding how customer interaction drives e-loyalty during returns handling in online retailing. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (2024)
Choudhury, A., Jones, J., & Opare-Addo, M. Perceived Risk and Willingness to Provide Loan to Smallholder Farmers in Ghana. Journal of African Business 21.1 (2020): 1-18.
Li, M., & Choudhury, A. Using Website Information to Reduce Postpurchase Dissonance: A Mediated Moderating Role of Perceived Risk. Psychology & Marketing 38 (2020): 56-69.
Choudhury, A. Unemployment Rate as a Determinant of Time on the Market: A Cointegration Approach with Error Correction Model (ECM). Real Estate Finance 36.1 (2019): 395-404.
Identifying Organization-Wide Technology Replacement/Upgrade Timing. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute. (2024)
The Resiliency of the Real Estate Market Faced by External Shock. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute. (2024)
Effect of New Product Introduction in Manufacturing Operation: Using Simulation. Annual Meeting of the Operations Management and Entrepreneurship. Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA). (2023)
Maximizing Efficiency of Denver International Airport Operations: A Simulated Analysis. Annual Meeting of the Operations Management and Entrepreneurship. Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA). (2023)
Predicting Technology Replacement Timing. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute. Decision Sciences Institute. (2023)
Predicting Technology Replacement Timing. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute. (2023)
Factors Correlated with Time on the Market in Real Estate Marketplace. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute. Decision Sciences Institute. (2022)
Building customer loyalty for online retailers through product-return service operations. Prodction and Operations Management Society - Annual Meeting. (2019)
Identify Short-Term Trend in Support Services' Demand for Technology. Annual Meeting of the National Decision Sciences Institute. Decision Sciences Institute National Conference. (2019)
Life-Cycle Cost-Benefit Analysis Algorithm for Equipment Replacement with an App for Decision Making Tool. Prodction and Operations Management Society - Annual Meeting. (2019)
Grants & Contracts
What Factors in Particulate Air Pollution are Associated with Increased Hospital Admissions?. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. (1998)
Alaska Telemedicine Testbed. National Library of Medicine. (1995)