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Dr. Deborah Seifert Ph.D, CPA, CMA

SFHB State Farm Hall of Business 308
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

230.004Cost And Management Accounting

236.001Ethics and Leadership for Accountants

132.008Managerial Accounting

230.004Cost And Management Accounting

236.001Ethics and Leadership for Accountants

450.001Management Accounting

450.002Management Accounting

Teaching Interests & Areas

My teaching interests are cost accounting, ethics, and fraud.

Research Interests & Areas

My research interests are in the area of ethics and whistleblowing.

PhD Business Administration (Accountancy)

Washington State University
Pullman, Washington

Other Accountancy

University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia

MBA Management

Mississippi State University
Mississippi State, Mississippi

BS Accountancy

University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois

Women Who Count Academic Award

Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance

Caterpillar Faculty Fellow


E&Y Faculty Fellow Award


Student Accounting Society Professor of the Year

Student Accounting Society but Funded by McGladrey

Journal Article

Lindberg, D., Sanders, J., & Seifert, D. Insuring Risks Associated with the Production and Sale of Marijuana. IGI Global (EDs). International Journal of Risk and Contingency Management 10.2 (2021): 18-25.
McClain, G., & Seifert, D. The Impact of Moral Identity and Societal Culture on Whistle-Blowing: A Comparison Between the United States and France. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting 10.3 (2018): 357-373.
Lindberg, D., & Seifert, D. Microinsurance, Fraud, and Fraud Controls. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8.1 (2016): 29-35.
Ames, D., Seifert, D., & Rich, J. Religious Social Identity and Whistle-Blowing. Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting 19 (2015): 181-207.
Lindberg, D., & Seifert, D. Risk Management in the Insurance Industry: A Comparison of Solvency II to U.S. Insurance Regulations. Journal Of Insurance Issues 38.2 (2015): 233-243.


Delivered an etiquette presentation (with Debbie Lindberg) to the Illinois CPA Society Central Chapter of Young CPAs.. Illinois CPA Society. (2013)
I presented a paper on religion, whistle-blowing, and the in-group/out-group. Co-authored with Jay Rich and Daniel Ames.. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. (2012)
Social Identity and Whistle-Blowing. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. (2012)
The Impact of Moral Identity and Societal Culture on Whistle-Blowing. 16th Annual Ethics Symposium. (2011)
The Impact of Moral Identity and Societal Culture on Whistle-Blowing. American Accounting Association Annual Meeting. (2011)

Grants & Contracts

2015 Katie School Grant ($3,500). Katie School of Insurance. Illinois State University. (2015)
Katie School Grant ($4,500). Katie School of Insurance. Illinois State University. (2013)
Katie School Faculty Development Grant ($3500). Katie School. Illinois State University. (2012)
Katie School of Insurance ($8,000). Katie School of Insurance. Illinois State University. (2011)
Katie School of Insurance Faculty Development Grant ($3,500). Research exploring the impact of IFRS on the insurance industry.. Katie School of Insurance, Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2010)