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Gary Hunter

Interim Chair and Professor
SFHB State Farm Hall Of Business 352b
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


I received my doctorate from the University of Kentucky in 2000. Since that time, I have been at Illinois State University. Prior to joining academia, I worked for a consumer electronics retailer.

Current Courses

335.001Retailing Management And Promotion

435.001Retailing Management And Promotion

Teaching Interests & Areas

My teaching interests include critical thinking, retail, and consumer behavior.

Research Interests & Areas

My research interests focus on individual differences and information overload. In general my research examines the interaction between a person and their environment.

PhD Marketing

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY


University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Wilmington, NC

BS Marketing

University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Wilmington, NC

Outstanding MBA Professor

College of Business

Best Overall Student Evaluation of all bachelor classes in the faculty at the Universitaet Paderborn

Fachshaft--Paderborn Student Association

College of Business Outstanding Service Award

College of Business

Book, Authored

Taylor, S., & Hunter, G. Critical Thinking and Business Decision Making, Second Edition (2020)

Book, Chapter

Hunter, G., & Taylor, S. Predicting Electronic Communication System Adoption: The Influence of Adopter Perceptions of Continuous or Discontinuous Innovation. In Lee (EDs), E-Business Innovation and Process Management. Cybertech Publishing (2007): 282-306.

Conference Proceeding

Hunter, G. Gender Differences in the Likelihood of Experiencing an Information Overload amongst Retail Customers. Society for Marketing Advances (2021)
Hunter, G. The Relationship between the Retail Shopping Experience and Information Overload. Jie G. Fowler and Jeri Weiser (EDs). Society for Marketing Advances Changing the 'Rhythm' of Marketing: Are We Listening? (2019): 330.
Hunter, G. Strengthening the Relationship between Product Evaluation and Source Country Image. Society for Marketing Advances (Ethical Decisions in Lifestyle Choices) (2017): 86-87.
Hunter, G. A Conceptual Analysis of the Influence of Breadth and Depth of Stereotype Disconfirmation on Inverse Country of Origin Effects. Jie G. Fowler and Jeri Weiser (EDs). Society for Marketing Advances (2016): 64-65.
Hunter, G. The Enduring Impact of Inverse Country of Origin Effects. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Charles F. Hofacker (EDs). American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference 27 (2016): F20-21.

Journal Article

Hunter, G., Taylor, S., & Kallen, P. Shoppers' Susceptibility to Information Overload: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice (2022)
Hunter, G., & Taylor, S. The Relationship between Preference for Privacy and Social Media Usage. Journal Of Consumer Marketing (2019)
Taylor, S., & Hunter, G. Best Buy and Showrooming: A Critical Thinking Case Exercise Based Upon Service Dominant Logic and Value Co-Creation. Journal of Creating Value 1 (2015): 256-274.
Siguaw, J., Gassenheimer, J., & Hunter, G. Consumer Co-creation and the Impact on Intermediaries. International Journal Of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (2014)
Taylor, S., & Hunter, G. Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty: An Evolving Conceptualization. Journal Of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction And Complaining Behavior (2014)

Textbook, Revised

Taylor, S., & Hunter, G. Critical Thinking and Business Decision Making, Third Edition (2022)


Rethinking Social Media Information Disclosure: An Application of Uses Gratification Theory. International Conference on Social Media and Society. (2016)
Chaired a conference session at Winter AMA in the Consumer Behavior Track.. American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference. (2015)
Chaired a session in the retailing track at the SMA conference.. Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Conference. (2015)
Served as chair of a consumer behavior session. American Marketing Association Summer Educators' Conference. (2015)
To Post or Not to Post? The Impact of Preference for Privacy on Social Media Usage. American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference. (2015)
Discussant for retailing track. Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Conference. (2011)
Served as session chair for the retailing track.. American Marketing Association Educators' Summer Conference. (2011)
Discussant at Consumer Behavior Session. American Marketing Association Eduators' Summer Conference. (2009)
Served as Session Chair for the Sales Track. My session included four papers and did not use a discussant.. American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference. (2009)
Consumer Empowerment: When Does it Pay Firms to Empower Consumers?. Doctoral Colloquim. (2007)

Grants & Contracts

One Really Good Product or Several Pretty Good Products: Which has Greater Effect on Source Country Image?. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2016)
If Champagne Came From Malaysia, Would Malaysia be France?. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2015)
To Post or Not to Post? The Effects of Privacy on Social Media Usage. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2014)
Marketing: Then and Now. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2013)
Goethe's Faust: Lessons for the Role of Marketing in Society. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2012)