Dr. Mona Bahl MonaBahl

- About
- Education
- Research
Dr. Mona Bahl is currently an Associate Professor of Management in the College of Business at Illinois State University in USA. She received Ph.D. in Strategic Management from Purdue University (USA) She holds dual Masters degrees – MBA (Finance major) from Mumbai University and Masters in Commerce from Panjab University in India.
Her research interests converge the fields of strategy and international management. More specifically, she focuses on the following areas: a) innovation and internationalization behavior of firms, b) knowledge sharing and corporate governance practices and c) impact of global value chain dynamics and supply chain management on firm strategies.
Dr. Bahl’s research has been published in top ranking Journals including the Journal of World Business, Strategic Management Journal and Global Strategy Journal.
Dr. Bahl actively serves the profession as an Associate Editor (Strategy) of Journal of Business Research and as an ad-hoc reviewer for journals such as Journal of International Management, Journal of World Business, and Global Strategy Journal.
Dr. Bahl is an avid reader, enjoys travelling and outdoors and occasionally dabbles in creative arts.
Current Courses
385.001Organizational Strategy
485.001Advanced Organizational Strategy
485.002Advanced Organizational Strategy
385.005Organizational Strategy
385.014Organizational Strategy
Teaching Interests & Areas
Strategic Management
International Management
Research Interests & Areas
Innovation, Internationalization, Knowledge Management, Emerging Markets and Corporate Governance.