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Peter Kaufman

SFHB State Farm Hall of Business
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Prior to joining academia, Dr. Kaufman worked in sales for Nabisco Biscuit Company. In this capacity he managed territories and developed and implemented store level sales promotions. On a Fulbright, he gained international experience working in planning for DuPont in Mexico City and separately as a Thomas J. Watson Fellow spent one year in Mexico interviewing executives and government officials regarding their perceptions of free trade.

At the university he has been a co-director on a U.S. Department of Education grant and was also awarded a Small Business Administration grant to promote international business education at Illinois State University. These grant monies total $250,000. Most recently he has co-created interdisciplinary minors in Business Environment & Sustainability and Analytics.

Through classes and grant sponsored activity, he has consulted extensively with U.S. companies in the following areas: automobiles, packaging, eye-wear, chemicals, agriculture, beverages, medical devices, air filtration, and construction.

Dr. Kaufman's teaching/research interests include Marketing Strategy, International Marketing, Sustainability, and Career Management.

He has received several awards which include the following:

Wilma Jean Alexander Innovation Award (College of Business) (2008)American Marketing Association Prentice Hall Solomon-Marshall-Stuart Award for Innovative Excellence in Education (national) (2008)Outstanding Team Research Award (university-wide) (2012) MBA Professor of the Year (College of Business) (2012, 2017, 2021) and the Amar Kamath Faculty Innovation Award (College of Business) (2012, 2014).

He has presented his research at conferences organized by the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Science Institute and has published research in leading marketing journals such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, and the Journal of Marketing Research.

Current Courses

287.001Independent Study

338.001Strategic Marketing Management

430.001Advanced Marketing Management

430.002Advanced Marketing Management

299.002Independent Honor Study

299.002Independent Honor Study

287.002Independent Study

310.001Innovation Consulting Community

410.001Innovation Consulting Community

338.002Strategic Marketing Management

Teaching Interests & Areas

Dr. Kaufman's teaching interests include Marketing Strategy, International Marketing, Sustainability, and Career Management.

Research Interests & Areas

Dr. Kaufman's research interests include Marketing Strategy, International Marketing, Sustainability, and Career Management.

MA International Relations

Tufts University

PhD Marketing

University of South Carolina

MBA Marketing

University of Florida

BS Marketing

Babson College

ISU Campus Hero


Outstanding MBA Professor

ISU MBA Program

Case Study - ICC

Academic Impressions

MBA Professor of the Year

MBA Program

Amar Kamath Faculty Innovation Award

College of Business

Conference Proceeding

Wallace, D., & Kaufman, P. Relational And Economic Antecedents to Trade Promotion Success. Society for Marketing Advances (SMA) Conference (2018)
Donovan, L., Ishida-Lambert, C., & Kaufman, P. Experiential Learning and Value Co-Creation In the Classroom: A New Examination Using Social Media Monitoring. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (2017)
Kaufman, P., Lambert, C., Donovan, L., & Kaufman, K. The creation of videos by marketing students: An exploration of attitudes and motivations in a capstone course. Creating marketing magic and innovative future marketing trends: Proceedings of. Academy of Marketing Science Conference (2016)
Kaufman, P., Langrehr, F., & Melton, H. Building Student Professional Confidence via Conference Calling Experience. Marketing Management Association (2011)
Kaufman, P., & Langrehr, F. Developing Career Management Competency through Alumni Mentoring. Marketing Education Conference (2008)

Journal Article

Kaufman, P., Hartman, N., Valentin, R., Hunter, G., Jones, J., Zamudio, M., LaMont, R., & Baldauf, K. Design Thinking in the University and the Business Classroom: A Collaborative Search for Solutions. Peter Billington (EDs). Business Education Innovation Journal 16.1 (2024): 222-235.
Kaufman, K., & Kaufman, P. Warhol Speaks: How One Museum Leverages Communications Strategies to Engage in an Era of Innovation and Value Creation. no. Atlantic Marketing Journal 13.2 (2024): 1-18.
Pope, N., Ishida, C., & Kaufman, P. The Service Contracts Model Act: A Quarter Century and Counting — What Now?. Cassandra Cole and Kathleen McCullough (EDs). Journal of Insurance Regulation (2022): 2-21.
Lim, Joon Ho, Leigh Anne Donovan, Peter Kaufman, and Chiharu Ishida (2021), “Professional Athletes’ Social Media Use and Player Performance: Evidence from the National Football League,” International Journal of Sport Communication, 14 (1), 33−59.
Kaufman, P., Cartwright, D., & Gore, K. The Role of Competency Based Education in Higher Education: The Process of Tuning the Marketing Discipline. Business Education Innovation Journal 11.1 (2019): 16.


Schedule: 2023 University-Wide Teaching & Learning Symposium | Center for Integrated Professional Development - Illinois State
Quantitative anxiety and insights for preparing students for data-driven marketing jobs. Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Academy of Marketing Science. (2022)
Authentic New Product Development Instruction Made Possible with Low-Fidelity and Lower-Cost Rapid Prototyping. American Society for Engineering Education's (ASEE) Engineering Design Graphics Division Midyear Conference. (2014)
Extended Warranties vs. Extended Service Plans: A Comparison of Consumer Perception and Purchasing Behavior. Western Risk & Insurance Association. (2012)
Student Success and the Marketing Discipline Tuning Initiative. Marketing Management Association Fall Conference. (2012)
Developing and Marketing 'Green' Products: A Business and Engineering Technology Collaboration. CTLT 2011 January Symposium. (2011)
Interdiscipinary Team-Based Local Sustainability Efforts: Green Light on Energy Efficiency. CTLT Fall 2011 Symposium. (2011)
Global Brand Licensing: The Impact of Two-Sided Moral Hazard on Royalty Rates - Received Top 10% Award. Academy of International Business. (2008)
The Export Project: A Cross-Campus Collaborative Effort. 2008 Teaching & Learning Symposium At A Glance. (2008)
The Path: From Idea to Funding. Summer Grant Proposal Writing Workshop. (2008)

Grants & Contracts

Provost Innovation and Enhancement Grant: Design Thinking @ ISU Collaboration Space. Provost's Office. Illinois State University. (2022)
$100,000 Developing Export Plans for Participating Illinois Businesses. U.S. Small Business Administration. (2009)
Business And International Education (BIE) Program. GOV-Department of Education (DE). (2007)
Establishing Partnerships Between ISU & IL Businesses to Develop Export Capabilities. COB RSP Research & Scholarship Development Grant Program. Illinois State University. (2006)
Relational and Economic Antecedents to Retailer Sales Promotion Participation. University Research Grant (URG). Illinois State University. (2006)