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Sandeep Jagani

Associate Professor | Assistant Chair
Department of Management
SFHB State Farm Hall Of Business
Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
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Sandeep Jagani holds a Ph.D. in Manufacturing and Technology Management from the University of Toledo. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering and an MBA. He is a Certified Six-Sigma Green Belt by ASQ. He has worked for six years in manufacturing operations. His articles have been published in the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, the International Journal of Production Economics, and the Journal of Cleaner Production.

Current Courses

427.001Operations And Quality Management

427.002Operations And Quality Management

227.006Operations Management

427.001Operations And Quality Management

427.002Operations And Quality Management

227.002Operations Management

Teaching Interests & Areas

Operations Management, Quality Management, Simulations, Supply Chain Management

Research Interests & Areas

Sustainable operations, green business and technology management.

PhD Manufacturing and Technology Management

University of Toledo

MBA Marketing, International Business and Finance

University of Toledo

BE Chemical Engineering

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University
Surat, Gujarat, INDIA

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) University Research Grant (URG)

Research and Sponsored Program

Wisdom's Torch Teaching and Learning Award

College of Business

Outstanding MBA Professor

College of Business

The Richard A. Manahan Family Teaching Excellence Recognition Award

College of Business

Outstanding MBA Faculty Award

College of Business, Illinois State University

University Research Grant

Illinois State University

Conference Proceeding

Jagani, S., Saboori-Deilami, V., and Tarannum, S. (2022), Do sustainability practices impact customers’ attitude towards brand?, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting Conference 2022

Jagani, S. (2019) Consequences of Sustainability Orientation in Service Firms. Decision Sciences Institute - Annual Meeting Conference 2019, 2445-2450.

Jagani, S., Wallace, S., & Kunnathur, A. (2016) A Research Framework for Business Sustainability using Information Exchange – A Firm Centric Perspective. Americas Conference of Information Systems 2016

Jagani, S., Kunnathur, A. and Wallace S. (2016) Information Exchange Research Opportunities. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting Conference 2016

Dismukes, J. P., Miller, L. K., Solocha, A., Jagani, S., & Bers, J. A. (2007, August). Wind energy electrical power generation: industrial life cycle of a radical innovation. In PICMET'07-2007 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology (pp. 773-785). IEEE.


Stout, B.D., Jagani, S. (2023). Invasion of Populism on Data Security. Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. Springer, Singapore.  

Journal Article

.hanging-indent { text-indent: -1em; /* Negative indent for the first line */ padding-left: 1em; /* Compensate for the negative indent */ } Jagani, S.B., Deilami, V. S., & Tarannum, S., (2024). Shaping Brand Attitudes through Sustainability Practices: A TSR Approach. Journal of Services Marketing. Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 369-382 .

Jagani, S.B., Deng, X., Hong, P.C. and Mashhadi Nejad, N. (2024), "Adopting sustainability business models for value creation and delivery: an empirical investigation of manufacturing firms", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 360-382.   

Jagani S.B., (2023). “The Relationships Between Economic Orientation, Sustainable Product Design and Innovation Performance: Empirical Evidence from US Manufacturing Firms,” Sustainable Manufacturing and Service Economics, Vol. 2, 100010.   

Hong, P.C., Jagani S.B., Pham, P.M. & Jung, E., (2023). “Globalization Orientation, Business Practices and Performance Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation of B2B Manufacturing Firms”, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 38 No. 10, pp. 2259-2274.   

Singh, S., Hong, P. C., & Jagani, S. (2023). Technology-enabled leadership and performance enhancement outcomes: an empirical investigation from the dynamic capabilities perspective. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 25(3), 319-340.  


Saboori-Deilami, V., Jagani, S.B., (2023). Do ESG Score and DEI Affect the Brand Image? Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meetings 2023 , Atlanta.

Singh, S., Hong P.C., Jagani, S.B. (2023). Effect of technology-empowered leadership on performance improvement for the organization: A Business Analytics outlook, DSI Annual Meetings 2023, Atlanta

Jagani, S.B., Saboori-Deilami, V., Tarannum, S. (2022). Do sustainability practices impact customers' attitude towards the brand? Decision Science Institute. Houston, TX

Stout, B.D., Jagani S.B. (2021). Safeguarding data privacy from populism invasion: Discussion on the role of federated machine learning. New Populism and Responses of the 21st Century. 2021.

Schefer, S., Jagani S.B., Ben-Jabara, M. (2019). Will Blockchain disrupt or bankrupt supply chains? Production and Operations Management Society, Washington, D.C.. 2019.

Jagani S.B. (2019). Consequences of Sustainability Orientation in Service Firms. Decision Sciences Institute - Annual Conference. 2019.

Jagani, S.B., Kunnathur, A. Hong, P.C., (2019). Does Societal Orientation Help Innovations? An Empirical Investigation of US Manufacturing Firms. Production and Operations Management Society. 2019.

Jagani, S.B., Kunnathur, A. S., Hong, P.C. (2018) The relationships between economic orientation, sustainable product design and innovation performance: An empirical evidence from US manufacturing firms. Decision Sciences Institute - Annual Conference. 2018.