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Dr. Yayuan Ren

Associate Professor
Finance, Insurance and Law
SFHB State Farm Hall of Business 418
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Dr. Ren's research interests include insurance company operations, corporate risk management, and corporate governance. Her research has published in Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, and Journal of Insurance Issue, etc.

Current Courses

355.001Insurance Company Operations

250.006Introduction To Risk And Insurance

354.001Risk Management

354.002Risk Management

Teaching Interests & Areas

Risk Management and Insurance, Insurance Company Operation, Life Insurance.

Research Interests & Areas

Insurance company operations, corporate risk management, corporate governance, and insurance regulation.

PhD Risk Management & Insurance

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Madison, WI

MA Finance

Peking University
Beijing, China

BA Economics

Nankai University
Tianjin, China

FIL Department Outstanding Researcher

Illinois State University

Educating Illinois In Action Award

Illinois State University

Conference Proceeding

Ren, Y. Institutional Ownership and Earnings Management: Evidence from U.S. Property-Casualty Insurance Companies. no. Conference Proceedings of 2024 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM 2024) (2024)
Ren, Y. An Examination of Herding Behavior in Insurer Underwriting. China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (2016)
Ma, Y., & Ren, Y. Is Catering Rewarded?: Evidence from the Insurance Industry. World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress (2015)
Ren, Y. Herding and Rationality of Insurance Pricing. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) (2012)
Ren, Y. Rationality of Insurance Pricing: Do Insurers Herd?. International Conference on Risk Management and Insurance (2012)

Journal Article

Yu Luen Ma, Yayuan Ren, 2023, InsurTech—Promise, threat or hype? Insights from stock market reaction to InsurTech innovation,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 80
Ma, Y.L. and Ren, Y., 2021. Insurer risk and performance before, during, and after the 2008 financial crisis: The role of monitoring institutional ownership. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 88(2), pp.351-380.
Ren, Y., 2020. A New Measure of Insurer Franchise Value. Journal of Insurance Issues, 43(1), pp.1-21.
Chang, S.C., Ren, Y. and Yeh, J., 2018. The role of information: when is directors’ and officers’ insurance value-added?. Journal of Banking & Finance, 97, pp.189-197.
Ma, Y.L. and Ren, Y., 2018. Is catering rewarded?: Evidence from the insurance industry. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice, 43, pp.539-559.


“Climate Change and Cost of Equity for Property Liability Insurers”. American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) Annual Conference. American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA). (2024)
Institutional Ownership and Earnings Management: Evidence from U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies. 2024 China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management. (2024)
Institutional Ownership and Earnings Management: Evidence from U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies. Department Research Seminar. St. John's University. (2023)
Institutional Ownership and Earnings Management: Evidence from U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Companies. Asian-Pacific Risk Managemenet and Insurance Association Annual Conference. Asian-Pacific Risk Managemenet and Insurance Association. (2023)
Life Annuity Puzzle?. MSR Research Seminar. Modern Risk Society. (2023)
Life Annuity Puzzle?. RMI Department Research Seminar. Temple University. (2023)
“Institutional Ownership and Earnings Management: Evidence from U.S. Property-Casualty Insurance Companies”. American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) Annual Conference. American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA). (2022)
“Promise or Threat? Insights from Stock Market Reaction to InsurTech Innovation”. FIL Brown Bag Seminar. FIL Department. (2020)
Stock Market Reaction to InsurTech Innovations. American Risk and Insurance Association Annual Conference. American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA). (2019)
Stock Market Reaction to InsurTech Innovations. Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA). Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA). (2019)

Grants & Contracts

Katie School Research Grant. Katie School of Risk Management and Insurance. Local. (2024)
Katie School Research Grant. Katie School of Risk Management and Insurance. Local. (2023)
Katie School Research Grant. Katie School of Risk Management and Insurance. Local. (2022)
Katie School Research Grant. Katie School of Risk Management and Insurance. Local. (2021)
University Research Grant. Illinois State University. Local. (2021)