Means Center Impact Fund
Please visit us during the first two weeks of classes
Means Center Impact Fund
With every passing year, the reach of our center (academic, community, economic, and societal) is increasing, so in line with our Charter (see pdf file) and the original vision of George and Martha Means, we are adding the opportunity for Grant application. It is open to every agency in Illinois State University as long as it adheres to the “Uses and Purposes” section of the Charter (see pdf file).
If the reason for seeking a grant is to seek funds for an existing student enterprise, please go to our Accelerator application. If you are seeking funds to run an Entrepreneurship competition, please visit our Startup Showcase. Please note: Means Center will only sponsor one startup competition so that we have complete control of the quality of applications through our rounds and judging.
Means Center will only consider Applications for Means Center Impact Fund submitted between the first two weeks of Fall Classes (for funding in the subsequent Spring) and the first two weeks of Spring classes ( for funding in subsequent Fall). Should your application be selected within eight weeks of submission, you will be asked to give a brief presentation for final approval. (We are unable to give responses for applications we cannot consider.)
Please visit us during the first two weeks of classes to access the form. Means Center Impact Fund Application