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Startup Showcase Guidelines

Startup Showcase Applicant Guidelines

Welcome! We hope you decide to apply to the 2023 Startup Showcase competition to be held on November 8, 2024. Below are some additional tips and information to help you understand the application, the competition phases, and the judging process.

  • Make sure you are eligible per the rules on our web site.
  • Please fill out the online form thoroughly. Incomplete applications will be rejected. You will access the application below.
  • The deadline to enter is Friday, September 27. This is firm — no late admissions. Applicants must submit a video along with their application as the preliminary and first stage of the competition. The video must not exceed 3:00 minutes. Acceptable formats are .mp4, mp3, avi, or wmv. Applicants should consider including the following information in their video:
    • A concise but complete description of your business idea to include the product or service
    • What problem the idea solves and/or new market it creates
    • Identification of the market to include the direct and indirect customers and stakeholders
    • Mention of direct and indirect competitive forces
    • The scalability of the idea (Can it be expanded?)
    • Broad statement about financial predictions of break-even or profit potential

Creativity and design features of the video are left to each entrant with an understanding the intrigue factor of the presentation may impact judges. A group of university faculty will judge all videos and select the finalists. Ten finalists will be invited to present at the competition. Finalists will be notified of their selection within one week after the deadline to submit applications has passed.


The finalists will be asked to make a presentation to a group of esteemed judges on the date published above. Contestants will be allowed time to present their ideas, and judges will be allowed time to ask questions. Contestants may use power point or other visuals as part of their presentation. Those materials must be submitted on a flash drive in advance. Actual products may be displayed.

Participants selected as finalists must appear and pitch their ideas in person. Any individual or team member who fails to appear at the competition will forfeit all rights in the competition and will be disqualified. 

Finalists will be coached and prepared for the final competition. Attendance at coaching events is mandatory.

NOTE: In order to receive award funds from the university, finalists will be required to establish a business entity for their business if not already in place. An LLC is preferred but other legal forms are possible. The Means Center will provide further guidance on this process.

The judges’ decisions will be final. All participants will be disqualified if they, or someone on their behalf, attempt to approach a judge in connection with this competition.

If you have any questions, please contact  Professor Terry Lowe.

CLICK HERE to start the application process.