SLAB Awards & Gala
In Appreciation of the Twenty-Three RSOs
SLAB Awards & Gala
The SLAB Gala is to show appreciation to the twenty-three organizations that make SLAB complete. The event will be a combination of an entirely revamped award ceremony and a formal dance to provide a celebration for being a part of SLAB.
Only a few organizations in SLAB have the funds to even host a dance, regardless of those who do spend an absurd amount of money for the event out of pocket. The Gala would provide an opportunity to have collaboration among the RSOs and the experience that some RSOs don’t even get the chance to participate in
The Student Leadership Advisory Board would like to utilize the Gala as a newly founded tradition for being a part of SLAB. The Gala would provide an opportunity for students that are associated with SLAB an opportunity for collaboration, participation, and celebration.
Thursday| April 10, 2025
Brown Ballroom | Bone Student Center
5:45 pm - Check-In | Doors Open
5:45 pm - Pre-Gala Events (red carpet, decorations, etc)
6:30 pm - Entree buffet, drinks, & dessert
7:15 pm - The SLAB Award Ceremony
8:15 pm | End of Award Ceremony
9:00 pm - Event Ends