Illinois State University and the College of Business consider faculty research as a significant component of academic life and recognizes that teaching and research are mutually supportive activities and, thus, the promotion of research which is recognized at national and international levels is a high priority.

About Us
Make yourself at Home in the College of Business
When you earn your degree in the College of Business, your degree is more valuable due to our accreditations and as alignment with industry standards. Our #BusinessBirds are teaching, learning, and serving across the globe. With over 40,000 business alumni, the chances are high that you will be working with an ISU alumnus in your chosen field.
Points of Pride
Learn the facts and stats that are indicators of success for the College of Business.

Advisory Council
A group of corporate and professional leaders who gather as a whole twice a year to provide advice to the Dean of the College on many aspects of the College of Business.